New years resolutions have waxed and waned, post Christmas sugar detox has come and gone, dieting for the spring vacation is on the horizon....yada, yada, yada. Social pressures are a reality but are they helpful?
In winter, if we align with the natural rhythm of the season, we have the perfect opportunity to rest, restore, invigorate and contemplate.
Henry David Thoreau says it nicely, “Hear! hear!' screamed the jay from a neighboring tree, where I had heard a tittering for some time, 'winter has a concentrated and nutty kernel, if you know where to look for it.'"
When we go with the flow, it makes sense to use this month of February to go inside, to the heart space, be still and listen, to notice what the wise voice inside speaks to us about, and ask who are you really and how do you want to feel and live and thrive?
Yet, isn’t so hard to make a plan if you don’t really know where you want or need to go?
I invite you to take a moment to close your eyes and go inside. Notice how you feel. Notice if you have tension, if you are wired or tired or both. Notice your mood, are you happy, agitated, calm, nervous? Do you feel pain? Do you move with ease? Just notice. Are you thriving?
I f not, take a few more minutes and imagine if you were, what would you look like, feel like, act like? Really take the time to see yourself as you want to be. Your body is your home, do you love it? Respect it? Nourish it? Judge it? What would you be doing on your spring break if you felt fabulous? How would you address life’s difficult issues if you were happy instead o f moody? How would you treat your loved ones if you were free of stress?
Now that you have a vision in your minds eye, how do you achieve it?
One of the reasons the computerized stress analysis (CSA) is so profound, is that the bio-feedback is from your own internal wisdom and energy. When asked, the body is more than willing to give direction. The way to balance the body is to keep asking what are the root causes of stress and how do we remove them. What would be most nourishing for me right now, what do I need to detox. This is what the THRIVE WELLNESS program offers. We have the ability to identify the energetic imbalances, and give your body exactly what it needs to have the energy to THRIVE!
Thrive means to develop vigorously, to flourish. This is my wish for you! If you are not thriving today, I invite you to call me and together we can restore that cherished vim and vigor!!!
All the best of health,