Thrive Wellness - Holistic Health Care in Camden, Maine

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Greetings Friends who THRIVE!!!

Ahhh, can you feel it?  The vibrancy of the light, the delight in the ever so slightly warmer days, the spring energy rising in you like sap! We made it through another winter!!! Take a bow!

Seasonal shifts are a perfect time to ask, Am I THRIVING?  Is my energy good? Is my weight were I want it? Is my skin clear? Do I feel fabulous?

Here’s how THRIVE can help:

     CSA testing offers a state of the art energetic look at how your body holds stress.
     It gives you a plan for how to reduce it.
     Identifies what to detox (chemicals, molds, metals, bacteria, viruses)
     Highlights emotional stress
     Inspires a preventative approach to wellness.

     It is efficient, affordable and specific to you.

What’s New!

In my Computerized Stress Analysis sessions, 99% of my clients come up over toxic and under nourished.  In the past when a test showed a fruit and veggie product called Juice Plus, I would just suggest that my client eat more fruits and veggies. The truth is that it is easier said than done.

Last fall, I was tired of the expense, time, and waste of juicing so I decided I would try the Juice Plus product myself. At first I didn’t notice very much, then in the 3rd month I started to feel especially “fortified” and really strong. In December I hiked  to Machu Picchu with fourteen 20 somethings, and they were all asking me “ what are you on?” as I marched energetically along this very difficult hike.  The only thing different was the Juice Plus.

I feel as though it would be a dis-service for me not to recommend this product as a way to cover your veggie and fruit nutritional base.

I am also thrilled to announce that I am also a distributor for the Tower Garden. This is an amazing aeroponic/hydroponic growing system that allows just about anyone to have a garden. I have been growing my greens all winter in my living room.  Grow local, organic, sustainable produce in your living room, on your deck or in your yard. It’s easy, smart, and delicious!

I invite you to go to to check out these amazing products.
The Juice Plus orchard/garden/vineyard trio, just might the be magic you have been waiting for.

If you have a child in your life that needs better nutrition, JP has a remarkable offering. Any adult using JP can sponsor a child who will get the orchard/garden blend for only the cost of shipping for up to 3 years!!! This is a passionate act to reverse the growing trends of childhood diabetes and obesity.

Contact me ASAP to re-evaluate and see what your body needs to THRIVE this SPRING!!


PS. Please take note that June 1st there will be a small increase in the testing and massage fees.

All the best of health,

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November Notes

What a thrill to be eating rainbow chard and kale, carrots and  brussels sprouts from the garden this last weekend. The sun was shining, the doors and windows open.... the last bit of temperate weather before we go into the long winter. Normally I would be whining about where to get my greens, but not this year.

As so many of you know, as part of helping people THRIVE, I use and support the use of supplements to reach optimal health, but I always recommend at least trying to get some of your vitamins and minerals through food first! This is not acutally that easy in Maine, especially in the winter. Well, I have  found two  amazing ways to do it and I am so excited to share them with you!!!!

This spring I purchased a “tower garden”, a hydroponic/aeroponic growing system and had smashing success with it this summer.  I had the best greens, lettuces, basil, cilantro, kale and bugs, no soil, no watering, no problems. The end product was leaps and bounds better than my very expensively ammended soil garden and so much easier. Now I am about to plant my winter greens and in few weeks time I’ll be picking them just 10 steps from my salad bowl.

The second great thing I’ve been experimenting with is Juice Plus. Trust me, I like to eat my vitamins and do a very good job of it, but I rarely get the full 6-9 servings recommended by nutritionists these days. To fill the gaps, I’ve started taking Juice Plus, here’s why, It’s EASY, affordable, and I get 17 different fruits and veggies everyday without opening the fridge.

If you are looking for a way to cover your bases and reach optimal health, Juice Plus is one of the simplest ways I have found without taking loads of supplements.  Check out both the tower garden and Juice Plus’s scientific research at or call me and I can get you hooked up.

The other really amazing thing about JP is that if a parent or grand parent takes the products a child can get the products free (accept for shipping) for up to three years, as part of the children’s health study.  This is a fantastic opportunity to teach children about nutrition and  part of ending childhood obesity and diabetes. YES!

Everyone has been raving about the Amethyst Bio-Mat!!! If you have not tried it yet, feel free to make an appointment to try it ... on me. It’s so relaxing and SO healing!! If you are considering getting one for a loved one for Christmas or Hanukkah I recommend you call soon with your order so that it arrives just in time. More info on my website or call me at 975-1504

One more thing!!! I will be out of the office Dec. 12-Jan 3, so please if you are wanting to have an electro-dermal screening to see how to best THRIVE  through the holidays, be sure and give me a call in the next few weeks!

All the best of health,

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thrive in March

I love the word THRIVE!
I think about thriving all the time.  I’m always asking myself, am I thriving? 
What would make me thrive more?  Are my friends thriving, my cat, my garden, my community?

I love the word so much it’s what I named my business!

I pay close attention to thriving because there was a time in my life when I wasn’t.
Thankfully after a two year stint of  plodding along in a fog, I found and was healed by the information from computerized electro-dermal stress analysis, and have been pretty much thriving ever since.

Since that time, I stumbled across a book at the library called The Blue Zones, by Dan Buettner. It was all about the “zones” around the world where people live the longest and why. What makes these people live long and truly thrive has a lot to do with their diet, spirit, meaningful work, connection to community, lifestyle and doing for others.

In some way I’ve tried to  live my own version of the “blue zone” lifestyle as well as offer that information to my clients as a guideline to thriving. Funny thing, just last week I was in the library and saw that Buettner has a new book... it’s called “Thrive”.  It’s good, I recommend it.

I get very happy when my business is growing and prospering, but I also thrive when I am connected to my community and doing for others.

So in the spirit of THRIVING I have a few announcements!!!

 My website is updated and chock full of information about Computerized Electro-Dermal Stress Analysis (CSA) and how it can benefit YOU! I also include  a full referral list of fantastic local practitioners, as well as information on my latest favorite healing tool, the Amethyst Bio-Mat!

I am also so pleased to be the sponsor for Shannon Thompson’s birthday fundraiser. I have organized a raffle called “A Year of Wellness”!
Go to and see the amazing practitioners that donated sessions to this awesome raffle. You can get raffle tickets from me or at Zoot or HAVll in Camden. ALL PROCEEDS  go to the RIG, a youth group in Camden.

Ok, one last thing, if you like me here, like me on FaceBook!
Long may YOU thrive!


Friday, February 8, 2013

Winter Wisdom

New years resolutions have waxed and waned, post Christmas sugar detox has  come and gone, dieting for the spring vacation is on the horizon....yada, yada, yada.  Social pressures are a reality but are they helpful?

In winter,  if we align with the natural rhythm of the season, we have the perfect opportunity to   rest, restore, invigorate and contemplate.

Henry David Thoreau says it nicely, “Hear! hear!' screamed the jay from a neighboring tree, where I had heard a tittering for some time, 'winter has a concentrated and nutty kernel, if you know where to look for it.'"

When we go with the flow, it makes sense to use this month of February to go inside, to the heart space, be still and listen, to notice what the wise voice inside speaks to us about, and ask who are you really and how do you want to feel and live and thrive?

Yet, isn’t so hard to make a plan if you don’t really know where you want or need to go?

I invite you to take a moment to close your eyes and go inside.  Notice how you feel. Notice if you have tension, if you are wired or tired or both. Notice your mood, are you happy, agitated, calm, nervous? Do you feel pain? Do you move with ease?  Just notice.  Are you thriving?

I f not, take a few more minutes and  imagine if you were, what would you look like, feel like, act like? Really take the time to see yourself as you want to be. Your body is your home, do you love it? Respect it? Nourish it? Judge it? What would you be doing on your spring break if you felt fabulous? How would you address life’s difficult issues if you were happy instead o f moody? How would you treat your loved ones if you were free of stress?

Now that you have a vision in your minds eye, how do you achieve it?

One of the reasons the computerized stress analysis (CSA) is so profound, is that the bio-feedback is from your own internal wisdom and energy.  When asked, the body is more than willing to give direction.  The way to balance the body is to keep asking what are the root causes of stress and how do we remove them.  What would be most nourishing for me right now, what do I need to detox.  This is what the THRIVE WELLNESS  program offers.  We have the ability to identify the energetic imbalances, and give your body exactly what it needs to have the energy to THRIVE!

Thrive means to develop vigorously, to flourish. This is my wish for you! If you are not thriving today, I invite you to call me and together we can restore that cherished vim and vigor!!!

All the best of health,

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Gratitude 2012

I was delighted this week by the column in the Camden Herald, “heard on the street”.
The question was “ what are you most thankful for?”  Four out of the five said for their health, the fifth said her grandchildren!   The gift of health is clearly something to be thankful for!

As a practitioner and advocate of natural health, it is important for me to qualify that I am grateful for not just any health, but natural health and a community of practitioners that support my wellness and yours.

I recently attended my annual CEDSA conference sponsored  by the Association of Natural Health near Atlanta, GA.   I was deeply inspired by the spectrum of doctors and natural practitioners from all over the USA, (including Maine’s own Suzanne Humphries, M.D.) educating, promoting, and supporting natural health!
Most of the presenters and attendees use or collaborate with those who use CEDSA, computerized electro-dermal stress analysis, what I call THRIVE Computerized Stress Analysis (CSA).

What I love most about this amazing tool/technology/wellness system, is that the focus is on discovering the root causes of our energetic imbalances and stress. Two areas of stress highlighted at the conference this year were emotions and environmental toxins.  As many of you who have experienced Thrive CSA with me know, these issues come up a lot. The beauty of my work is that once we find the causes, we can find the support you need, either through supplements that I can offer or through support from our amazing local doctors or practitioners that have the expertise needed to bring balance to your systems.

This year I am so excited to share with you three Mid-Coast Maine practitioners whose work fits exceptionally well with Thrive CSA in terms of balancing emotions and eliminating environmental toxins.

Marianna Moll, Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT. 338-3930
A truly gifted and dedicated advocate of natural health and healing.  I highly recommend Marianna and EFT.

Donna Gates, PH.D, Integrative Energy Healing,, 356-8542. Donna offers a gentle and effective approach to removing obstacles to health and happiness using TFT, Thought Field Therapy, I highly recommend Donna and TFT. 

Suzanne Humphries, M.D., Holistic Health Consultant,
Suzanne’s  vision of and conviction for whole health combined with her expertise in both allopathic and integrative medicine, offer our community an amazing gift and resource.

Now is the time to choose to THRIVE through the holidays!
A perfect gift for you and your friends and family!

This year 10% of all Gift Certificates will be donated to MEALS ON WHEELS.
Many Thanks and may you THRIVE on wellness!


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Your natural state is one of absolute well being"

Great quote from Abraham-Hicks this morning. " Your intelligent body is comprised of trillions of cells seeking and finding alignment and balance at all times.  Your natural state is one of well being, in the absence of resistance your body must THRIVE" 

If you are not THRIVING I invite you to experience an Electro-Dermal Stress Analysis with me, and see what we can do to change that!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Amethyst Bio Mat MAGIC!

I am so impressed with what my clients are experiencing on the Bio Mat!

Bio Mat Testimonial

"I am always pain free when I get off of it, and that lasts anywhere from 2-4 hours, occasionally longer.  To some that might not seem like a big deal, but since I have been in constant pain since that last surgery 6 years ago, it is a huge deal to me.  I find it also helps with the low level anxiety that chronic pain brings on, I had forgotten what relaxed feels like.  I also like it because it is warming, but not hot, and not hot is great in this weather!  It really has made a difference in my life and activity levels." Kristin