Thrive Wellness - Holistic Health Care in Camden, Maine

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Greetings Friends who THRIVE!!!

Ahhh, can you feel it?  The vibrancy of the light, the delight in the ever so slightly warmer days, the spring energy rising in you like sap! We made it through another winter!!! Take a bow!

Seasonal shifts are a perfect time to ask, Am I THRIVING?  Is my energy good? Is my weight were I want it? Is my skin clear? Do I feel fabulous?

Here’s how THRIVE can help:

     CSA testing offers a state of the art energetic look at how your body holds stress.
     It gives you a plan for how to reduce it.
     Identifies what to detox (chemicals, molds, metals, bacteria, viruses)
     Highlights emotional stress
     Inspires a preventative approach to wellness.

     It is efficient, affordable and specific to you.

What’s New!

In my Computerized Stress Analysis sessions, 99% of my clients come up over toxic and under nourished.  In the past when a test showed a fruit and veggie product called Juice Plus, I would just suggest that my client eat more fruits and veggies. The truth is that it is easier said than done.

Last fall, I was tired of the expense, time, and waste of juicing so I decided I would try the Juice Plus product myself. At first I didn’t notice very much, then in the 3rd month I started to feel especially “fortified” and really strong. In December I hiked  to Machu Picchu with fourteen 20 somethings, and they were all asking me “ what are you on?” as I marched energetically along this very difficult hike.  The only thing different was the Juice Plus.

I feel as though it would be a dis-service for me not to recommend this product as a way to cover your veggie and fruit nutritional base.

I am also thrilled to announce that I am also a distributor for the Tower Garden. This is an amazing aeroponic/hydroponic growing system that allows just about anyone to have a garden. I have been growing my greens all winter in my living room.  Grow local, organic, sustainable produce in your living room, on your deck or in your yard. It’s easy, smart, and delicious!

I invite you to go to to check out these amazing products.
The Juice Plus orchard/garden/vineyard trio, just might the be magic you have been waiting for.

If you have a child in your life that needs better nutrition, JP has a remarkable offering. Any adult using JP can sponsor a child who will get the orchard/garden blend for only the cost of shipping for up to 3 years!!! This is a passionate act to reverse the growing trends of childhood diabetes and obesity.

Contact me ASAP to re-evaluate and see what your body needs to THRIVE this SPRING!!


PS. Please take note that June 1st there will be a small increase in the testing and massage fees.

All the best of health,