Thrive Wellness - Holistic Health Care in Camden, Maine

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I heard the best story from my Chiropractor last week! He had a visitor come in for an adjustment and when he asked him who his Chiropractor in CA. was, it just so happened it was one of his all time favorite teachers from Chiropractic College.   My Chiropractor was over the moon reminiscing about how this teacher inspired him above all the others. He remembered the exact adjustments, the passion, the knowledge and he exuded gratitude as he held his hand over his heart with appreciation of this one mentor. I left his office feeling great physically because of an awesome adjustment, but I also left with my spirit  sky high and inspired to contemplate those who have so compassionately lead me to live a more passionate, curious, knowledgeable life. It is so easy to rag on those who bring us down or did us harm, yet truly thriving inspires in us seeking and showing gratitude for those in our lives who raise the bar for us, challenge us and encourage us to go for what we want and take others along with us!  So my question of the day is.....Who has inspired you and do they know it?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


It seems every day I’m getting and email or two about how beautiful Maine is
right now.   The light, the greens, the sky , the lupine.... Maine is thriving!

The conditions are right.  Rain, sun, soil, temps are lined up for plants to live their best life.

Wouldn’t YOU also like to feel that way?

Imagine your body THRIVING, vibrantly shining in June’s mid-summer light.
This is what OPTIMAL HEALTH looks like!


If you can’t imagine it or feel it, are you asking the  question WHY NOT?

This is what THRIVE does.  Together we look at the inner terrain of your body, mind, spirit and emotions and find out how best to optimize your energy and create  optimal health!

Today is a perfect day to choose to THRIVE!